A Love Letter to Maria Clara

A Love Letter to Maria Clara

Dear Maria Clara, Historians call you a caricature of your time. You were defined as the paragon of what everyone thought the Filipina should be – never brash, never controversial, never loud. They said that you represented purity and innocence. You never asked to be...
The Toxicity of Grind and Hustle Culture

The Toxicity of Grind and Hustle Culture

When did we start associating being “productive” or “on top of your game” or “hardworking” with being mentally, emotionally, and physically burnt out? Burnout is defined as a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged...
The Realities of the Self-Care Industry

The Realities of the Self-Care Industry

Search the term “self-care” on the Internet, and you’ll get over 3 billion results on Google. These vary from YouTube videos, blog posts, news articles all about how to “build a self-care routine” or “how to have a perfect self-care day”. If you look into and dissect...
Rise of the Filipina Plant-tita

Rise of the Filipina Plant-tita

Has anyone else noticed that suddenly everyone is posting pictures of their new “plant baby”? As we approach our 4th month under quarantine, we’ve seen the rise of different quarantine “trends”. You can range from sourdough bread baker, the next Masterchef, and the...

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