The Art of Content Creation: 6 Do’s and Don’ts
With the rise of the internet in the past few years, it comes as no surprise that there are different types of content that exist online today. From how-to blog articles to fashion youtube videos, content is everything. Now, as a fellow *internet aficionado*, you may have also encountered the word “content creation” on the web, but what exactly is it? Formally defined, content creation is the act of ideating content pieces like essays, reports, infographics, posters, and more and publishing them on various digital platforms.
Knowing the Limits to Your Media Consumption
We all have our limits. Some of us can only workout for half an hour each day; some of us can only binge-watch three episodes of a series before getting bored; some of us can only have three bottles of beer before we get blackout drunk, and some of us can only give...
Tongue-Tied? Here’s a Guide to Becoming a Better Communicator
From presentations to socializing, what we say--and how we say it--can define people’s perceptions of us. And while there are the lucky few who are spared from the curse of anxiety, you’re probably reading this article because you wanna get better at talking. We went...
Starting a Cosmetics Brand During a Pandemic, As Told By A Leading Lady
The Beauty Industry is a growing force that can’t be stopped. With more celebrities like Rihanna, Kylie Jenner, and Selena Gomez, who have all started their own line of makeup and skin care, it’s nice to think about how it must be to start your own–which is exactly what this Leading Lady did.
How to Write A Resume That Will Get You The Job
My mentor once said that your resume is the window to your soul as a worker. That document is expected to list years of experience that allow the employer--or whoever is reviewing your application--to imagine your place in their company. I’ve heard stories from...
The Reality of the Working Woman According to “The Devil Wears Prada”
In 2006, the movie “The Devil Wears Prada” was released. The story follows the protagonist Andy (portrayed by Anne Hathaway), an aspiring journalist who stumbles into the high-demand world of high fashion. Her employer, Miranda Priestly (portrayed by Meryl Streep) is...
Google Chrome Extensions You Didn’t Know You Needed Until Now
Working--whether or not from home--can get seriously hectic. There are so many distractions packed into your laptop, deadlines tend to pile up until they’re forgotten, sometimes even your own environment is just too much to handle. Luckily, the Chrome Web Store...
Here Are 4 Facebook Groups to Help You Boost Your Business
This quarantine has been going on for nearly four months, and the end of it isn’t in sight. Businesses and establishments have closed down, leaving many jobless and aimless at home. In response to this, there has been a sudden rise in the number of online businesses....
The 3 Skills You’ll Need to Succeed in 2020
We are in the midst of the fourth industrial revolution. Companies now value people skills, soft skills, and technological skills. As career women, gaining access to knowing what these specific skills are and where to learn them can make or break the progress of our...
Opportunities, Marketing, and Change: PJMA’s Business Online eXploration
Last July 10, the Philippine Junior Marketing Association launched the Business Online eXploration, an online seminar made for Marketistas to become stronger and better at their craft amidst a crisis. Over a thousand attendees witnessed talks from renowned individuals...