
From presentations to socializing, what we say–and how we say it–can define people’s perceptions of us. And while there are the lucky few who are spared from the curse of anxiety, you’re probably reading this article because you wanna get better at talking. We went through articles and sources and got several key tips to help you become a better communicator.

Plan Beforehand

Talking isn’t always spontaneous, but maybe you have a presentation you have in a few weeks. In that case, planning out your speech and presentation elements helps. To be specific, the feeling of preparedness and knowing everything like the back of your hand minimizes the risk of anxiety.

Planning can include creating a visual representation of your speech. In simpler examples, it could also mean dedicating thirty minutes or an hour to practicing your piece. Always remember to pace the small tasks needed to prepare for this bigger task. 

Find Things That Will Make You Confident

We can’t explain it either, but do you ever put on a nice outfit and instantly feel a thousand times better? That’s what we mean by this tip. Do things that will make you “feel yourself” and counteract the jitters. Blast some music, put on makeup, or do whatever. You can even stand in front of a mirror and be your own hype woman — we know we’ve done it do ourselves at some point!

Channel That Positive Mindset

You know how the saying goes. Your best asset is your mindset, so spend some time setting aside the worries and doubts. No, you’re not going to trip. No, you’re not going to forget your lines. Just remember that if you truly placed effort into preparing, none of those are going to happen. Even if they do, think about the hundreds of people in the world who have had similar–if not worse–blunders and lived. Don’t sweat it, you will be fine. Repeat until internalized.

Going beyond your comfort zone may be daunting, and consequently, affect your mental health. Whilst manifesting all of these tips into your preparation, make sure to have friends or colleagues you can confide in. Make sure they’re open to hearing your concerns in such a way that makes you feel validated. If they can give you advice, even better. Best of luck!

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