by Jazmyne Imdani and Justine Lu | Jul 14, 2020 | Scoop, Scoop Life
If you follow one or two news sites on social media, you’re probably thinking the same thing we all are: How the heck is it only July? From geopolitics to natural calamities to pop culture, 2020 is full of events that have globally made huge impacts on our lives....
by Jazmyne Imdani and Justine Lu | Jul 13, 2020 | Features, Scoop, Scoop Life, Work Life
Last July 10, the Philippine Junior Marketing Association launched the Business Online eXploration, an online seminar made for Marketistas to become stronger and better at their craft amidst a crisis. Over a thousand attendees witnessed talks from renowned individuals...
by Jazmyne Imdani and Justine Lu | Jul 13, 2020 | Features, Scoop, Scoop Bite, Scoop Crave, Scoop Life
The title of this article may come off as a shock. You thought delis only sold cold cuts, sausages, and other very non-vegan things. But in the ever-so-evolving culinary world of Metro Manila, La Chica’s Vegan Delicatessen breaks expectations while keeping you healthy...
by Jazmyne Imdani and Justine Lu | Jul 10, 2020 | Features, Scoop, Scoop Bite, Scoop Crave
For a good portion of my life, I’ve lived off pastries from the typical coffee shops. I’ve probably had a double-chocolate fudge brownie or a small-but-overpriced cheesecake here and there, but nothing encapsulates my coffee shop pastry experience like a cinnamon...
by Jazmyne Imdani and Justine Lu | Jul 10, 2020 | Bite Buzz, Features, Scoop, Scoop Bite
COVID-19 has changed our lives. In the past four months, we’ve been getting used to wearing face masks, practicing social distancing, and doing almost everything from home. In comes the new normal of the food industry. It’s not that easy to have your favorite girls...