
COVID-19 has changed our lives. In the past four months, we’ve been getting used to wearing face masks, practicing social distancing, and doing almost everything from home.

In comes the new normal of the food industry. It’s not that easy to have your favorite girls night out anymore. That restaurant you loved going to, whether by yourself or with your family, is probably closed too.

Flavored PH’s mission is to bring those experiences right to your doorstep. Easily found on www.flavored.ph, the e-commerce food and beverage community offers a wide range of food and drinks with the ease of their cashless payment and scheduled delivery.


The New Normal of Food and Celebration

With the numbers of cases rising, restrictions on mass gatherings have never been more crucial. But with graduations, birthdays, and everything in between, we can’t help but feel the need to celebrate these milestones with those whom we are quarantined with. Visit the website and you’ll find a wide range of the best baked goods, dried ingredients, and even drinks (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic) — perfect for your next intimate get-together.

On top of that, Flavored offers Perfect Packs, kits that contain the food essentials for experiences you miss so much. Their first Perfect Pack called “Munch Break” is perfect to share with your roommates, or even for just eating it all by yourself.

Supporting Local

You probably don’t have the time to search up every brand on the community website, but suspend your disbelief — they’re 100% Filipino. Flavored was created to help our local food and beverage businesses stay afloat. They constantly use the statements “Support Local” and “What Locals Got” precisely because they believe that with the right platform, these businesses can reach the audiences they want to reach.


Easy, Efficient, and Reliable

Now whether or not you’re an online business or a tech-savvy shopper, Flavored aims to make the e-commerce experience hassle-free for both sides of the food and beverage industry. They do this in several ways. One being their cashless payment methods that let you have good food with just a few clicks on PayPal or BDO Online. The method for payment being easy is one thing, but even if you forget to pay on time, Flavored grants every transaction a 24-hour grace period.

Another is their scheduled delivery system. While it’s not the norm nowadays, it’s perfect for your next intimate gathering or scheduled self-care day — the exact kind of situations that Flavored aims to serve. It delivers on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. At least here, you won’t be waiting by the door for over 12 hours.

Looking at the bigger picture, Flavored isn’t just a business. They’re a community and they know it. From helping local businesses have a platform to helping foodies like you and me get our fix this quarantine, the e-commerce platform is timely as it is delicious.

Flavored will be accepting orders starting July 13. To order, you can click here. To checkout Flavored’s brands alongside our very own SHE-EATS brands, you can find their community Viber group here.

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