by Denise Miranda | May 2, 2023 | Features, Female Defined, School of Scoop, Scoop Life, Stories
Spoiler alert, you will also find your signature scent with this parfum brand! To live in a tropical country where the heat can be the biggest ick, sweating may be our worst enemy. Of course, it still depends on how well one’s body can handle Philippines’...
by Liana Lu | Oct 10, 2022 | Features, Girls on Top, Scoop, Scoop Life
Growing up, you might’ve always heard about sex. You know that it’s a sexual activity that two people engage in when they feel comfortable doing so, but you don’t actually know what it’s like. Maybe now you’re just curious about sex, or you’ve decided to have...
by Rianne Reyes | Sep 22, 2022 | Features, Girls on Top, Scoop, Scoop Life, Stories
Let’s talk about online dating apps. Either you’ve heard horror stories, or experienced them yourself. Nowadays, whether we’re in search of romance, casual sex, or friendship, dating apps have become a common way to connect with people. With the kind of fast-paced...
by Rianne Reyes | Sep 16, 2022 | Features, Girls on Top, Scoop, Scoop Life
It’s that time of the month! No, not the holidays. Or summer vacation. It’s that thing. You know, the monthly visitor who comes to town wherever and whenever it pleases. It’s never a fun time when they’re around. That thing we’re referring to is menstruation, or...
by Rianne Reyes | Aug 20, 2022 | Features, Girls on Top, Scoop, Scoop Life
In recent years we’ve made strides in creating safe spaces for conversations about sex and reproductive health. On the other hand, in dismantling misconceptions and years of stigma, there is still a long way to go. One such being, is the stigma surrounding sex...