

Love, this month for you can all be about your relationships, not only romantically but also your relationship with your family and friends. It seems like you have some settling out to do with several people in your life. By doing this, you can find yourself working on some issues that you ignored for some time. But, facing these can give you a clear and relieved mind and heart. You might also find yourself receiving incredible blessings after all these problems. 


This month for you sweetie will be #SelfLove because it will not be about your relationships with your loved ones but more of your relationship with yourself. You might need to catch a breath this month because previous months have been filled with pressure from work and home for you. Perhaps go to that dream destination you have been planning for a long time. Apply for a vacation leave and book that flight now, give yourself time to relax. If not, go to your favorite spa and pamper yourself with a good massage. Always make sure to take one step at a time. 


February is about letting go for you, girlfriend! Freeing the old ways and saying hello to new things and experiences. Setting free can be hard for you, especially when letting go of the past that has been with you for a long time. Once you have overcome this, you will be showered with good fortune and you will be filled with positivity. This will be your first step from moving on and moving forward. 


The month for hearts will be about your social life. Girl, you have been off the grid for a while and this has made you feel bored and stagnant. It is time for you to pick up your phone and reconnect with people. If you are single, download that dating app this could lead to meeting someone that will play an important role in your life. This can boost your self-esteem and bring you back to the track of the dating scene. 


Lady, this is the month for acceptance. This time, you will have to accept everything about you, your beliefs, virtues, and imperfections. Everything that you thought that is unchangeable will be changed. By doing this you are letting yourself walk towards self-improvement and loving yourself. This month also might be a good time to declutter. You have been keeping things that you don’t need anymore, grab a trash bag and put it in there and donate it or sell it, you will feel uplifted afterward. 


February will be about partnerships especially for you, dear. You have been working with a project independently, but you will meet someone who will share the same desires and thirst as you. You will have a strong passion for wanting to work with this person, do the first move and express it and you may find that they feel the same way about you. 


You have been feeling drained lately, sweetheart, It maybe something about your work or personal relationships. It is causing you to feel exhausted and lack of mental clarity. This is because you are not solving it properly. This month, you might want to take a new perspective on these problems whether its work, relationships, or anything else as long as its draining you emotionally take action of fixing it as early as you can. Perhaps talking about it can give you a relieved mind and heart. Always note that talking about your feelings is the only way for understanding. 


Your relationships will bloom this month of love, honey. Whatever you feel missing before in your relationships will be filled. Although the change will not be extravagant as you expect it to be, it will be the progress you have been waiting for. This may be also the time to assess your relationships or obligations, are they good for you or they bring toxicity in your life, if so, cut the ties this may lift you and will make you feel more hopeful. 


Darling, you will be more driven this February. You will find yourself more passionate to achieve your goals and gain progress in your life. This time, you will see that everything is falling into exactly where it should be. This causes you to pursue your goals in life. It can also be a good time for you to express your gratitude for someone who has been supporting you throughout your journey. Show them some love by treating them to a nice dinner or a quick getaway. This can also bring you extra inspirations and encouragement. 


Babe, whatever you have been working on for the past months will result in something beautiful. Perhaps it’s the promotions you have been working hard for or that thesis you have been doing for a long time. You have remained inspired and passionate lately, and this has let you put added effort into the things you positively care about. This is also a great chance for you to let go of any burden that has been dragging you down for a long time. 


February is about metamorphosis for you, sweetie. You will gain control over your life and have the power to manage it however you want. Continue to move forward because change for you this month is about growing and getting better. This time, always dare to say yes to things, probably that job promotion or that guy who has been courting you for a long time even if you don’t feel confident about because by doing so you are allowing yourself to bloom and reach your maximum potential. 


Sis, you might find the importance of one specific person in your life this month of hearts. This someone has given you so much self-esteem and has kept your feet grounded for a long time. You will realize how much you need this person for you to grow through the coming months or years. Make sure to recognize their importance to you by showing how much you appreciate them by giving your time and effort. 


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