
Everyone’s probably switching through social media right now. Personally, I’ve been switching from Facebook, Telegram, Viber, Twitter, Instagram, etc. etc. either through conversations, news or memes. But on these same platforms erupt new, grassroots-powered approaches to help micro-enterprise owners, provide support, or to provide reliable news and updates.

If You’re Active on Viber…

Food Contacts Community

Food Contacts Community is a Viber channel of food contacts around Metro Manila that provides information on deliveries for different types of food items from fresh produce, tea, meals, and more. Especially in quarantine where going to the grocery store can be a health risk, it’s a great plus to be able to order fresh food from the comfort of your home. Not only that, you get to help small businesses and vendors who are affected by the crisis. It’s a win-win!

Join the Viber group here.

EntrepNegosyo Philippines #1

EntrepNegosyo Philippines #1 is perfect if you need various materials like exercise equipment, printer paper, and more. Similar to Food Contacts Community, this Viber group is a network of entrepreneurs around the Philippines that has a wide network of deliveries for different materials like printer paper, washable face masks, etc.

The Viber group can be found here.

If You’re Active on Facebook…

Tindahan for Every Juan

Tindahan for Every Juan is the initiative of small business owners in order to bridge farmer groups, small-time produce vendors, and other household essentials makers affected by the COVID-19 crisis. It’s a network for consumers who want their items delivered, as well for sellers to advertise their goods.

Find Tindahan for Every Juan’s Facebook group here.

Beyond COVID-19

Beyond COVID-19 is an online community created by Youth for Mental Health Coalition Inc. and other mental health organizations aiming to reduce anxiety created by the quarantine and outbreak. Moderators often post light questions for chill discussions to continue bridging relationships during this outbreak. Online open mics are held, songs that relieve stress, and good news are shared in the group.

Beyond COVID-19 can be found here.T

Quarantine Tribute Tips

This lighthearted Facebook group compiles different tips on how to pick food at the grocery stores or markets, how to properly clean the house, how to keep parents from going out, and many other resources to help each other during the quarantine.

Join Quarantine Tribute Tips on Facebook here.

Best of the Best Manila

Best of the Best Manila is an online community for asking help from other people, as well as recommending the “best of the best” things they encounter. For quarantine period, this may help you find online groceries or markets you want to look into, different resources, and other networks for your different needs.

Best of the Best Manila can be found here.

If You’re Active on Telegram…

PH Coronavirus Updates

If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed with so many news sources from so many different outlets, this Telegram channel summarizes and only shares relevant updates. Having the news in one area can help you manage your stress and anxiety in the middle of this pandemic. This channel is managed by volunteers and only posts verified news.

Find the channel here.

Times are uncertain, and it’s hard to say when this will blow over. But, keep your head up! We’ll get through this together.

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